FAT FAST- 1000 cal (any 5 per day)

Fat fast 1000 calories 5 choices

(choices- 200 cal each)

1.  30g macadamia nuts

2. 60g cream cheese or Brie

3. 30g tuna/ chicken mayonaise in 1/4 advocado

4.  2 eggs with 2 teaspoons mayo

5.  60 ml sourcream

6. 80 ml cream

7. 60g pate

8. 50 g cheddar cheese

9.  120 - 130 g avocado

FAT FAST - 1200 CAL ( any 4 per day)

 60 g beef

  2 eggs and 2 strips bacon

25 ml full fat sourcream

180g advocado

60g chicken or tuna mayonaise

90g pate

 80g gouda cheese

70 g cheddar cheese

40g macadamianuts