
Is a high fat low carb way of eating.

A normal High fat low carb diet prescribes   a 85% of fat intake 10% proteien intake and 5% carbohydrate intake but this can vary from person to person, source by source.
As long as fat intake is very high and carbohydrate intake is very low.


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Difference between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis

Ketone bodies are acids made when your body begins using fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.
Ketosis is sometimes referred to as the body's "fat burning" mode.
There is a difference between Ketosis and Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Ketones build up in the blood and urine as fats and are broken down for energy due to  LOW LEVELS OF INSULIN!!!!! 
In high levels, ketones can be very dangerous and even poisonous. This serious condition is known as ketoacidosis and, if left untreated, can lead to diabetic coma or even death. The symptoms of ketoacidosis can be confused with others (such as the flu or a stomach virus), so be sure to talk to your doctor about a plan for when to test for ketones.


The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children and adults.

There is also claims that it can help with cancer.
Research is still controversial about its role in cancer treatment.

Evidence do show the benefits of a ketogenic diet for insulin resistance, curbs appetite, weight loss, positive effect in cholesterol (bad cholesterol decrease and good cholesterol increase), Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels, With a Major Improvement in Type 2 Diabetes, decrease in blood pressure,  Are The Most Effective Treatment Known Against Metabolic Syndrome, Are Therapeutic For Several Brain Disorders andA Greater Proportion of the fat loss Comes From The Abdominal Cavity.

CHOC FAT BOMB quick and easy

half cup cocoa
half cup coconut oil
half cup xylitol syrup (or any other zero carb syrup)

You may add some vanilla or other essence to taste

Melt everything together until coconut oil is melted
Make sure all the cocoa is dissolved
Fill silicone candy mold or mini muffin.
Keep in the fridge for 30 to 60 min

(You can roll it in coconut)
Keep refrigerated because coconut oil will melt at room temperature.


1.5 KG mixed bones ( chicken, beef, pork )
fresh or dry parsley handful or to taste
2 celery stalks
1 onion or bunch of spring onion
 2 carrots
garlic to taste
3 bay leaves
tsp paprika
tsp turmeric
lemon juice (helps to release minerals from bones)
(apple cider vinegarwill also work)

Peel and cut veggies in smaller pieces
add everything in slow cooker with 4 liters water
Cook for 10 hours to 48 hours
Remove large pieces and use a strainer to remove rest of large pieces of meat and veggies
Keep in fridge when you are going to use it within 5 days  or you can also freeze it in smaller containers